
What makes a man dangerous?


What makes a man dangerous?

What makes a man dangerous?


Hey guys, Today I am going to talk about What makes a man dangerous?, So let’s get started; Well, if you stick with this article, I'm going to explain three things that you need to know, and if you can remove one of those factors, you're less likely to get a violent encounter. It's super important to have all three of these things in mind and use them as a mental checklist.



You can use this model of thinking or risk assessment on any situation, so whether it be meeting a stranger who's arguing with you on a bus, a neighbor who's arguing with you about a boundary fence, or a stalker, we can assess their likelihood of violence based on these three clear factors.


factor number one Intention


Intention Does the person intend to cause you harm? Are they angry enough to cause you harm? Do they have enough of a vendetta?


But with a stranger, you might not understand the intent because they might have this dark past that makes them violent, and you know, they are predisposed to outbursts of random acts of violence, so you might not know that this person has intent. But there are overt signs of intention.


clear example  you're walking down the road and someone takes a beeline towards you okay, so there are lots of people on the street and you can see that someone's actually moved from the side of your peripheral vision and they're walking towards you;


they're taking a beeline to intercept your path. When that person intercepts me, they have an angry face and a balled-up fist;


they're showing the physical intentions to actually harm you. if you can't see someone's hands, what does that say about their intention to harm you?


I would worry that I don't know what they're about to do. You have to see someone's hands; if you can't see their hands, there's a higher risk to you, but it also hides their intention.


The intention could be psychological as well as physical, and there are different ways to display those emotions.


Body language, the way they move, the way they aim at you, and eye contact are all indications of intent, so after I've identified their intent, what am I looking for next?


Factor number 2 capability


Factor number 2 capability

Their capability. yeah i mean is the guy big guy small guy  do they know what they're doing are they  armed are they not armed  what are what is their capability to  harm me do they appear trained all of  these different  again signals that we're looking for  which is that if we can if i identify  they've got intent to hurt me. 


are they capable of inflicting that  intent upon me it doesn't always have to  be  a face-to-face confrontation you've got  an unhappy neighbour  that have potentially could flare up  with violence. 

do they have the intention we've  established that?


okay they do  they have the capability well maybe  the person has weapons in their house  it doesn't necessarily always have to be  whether they're.


a skilled fighter It could be whether they're armed or whether they have the capability to harm you, and that's really what we're trying to establish.


The last factor opportunity


so the last factor to examine is opportunity, bearing in mind the person has the intention; we've cleared that up already; they have the capability;


So if they have the opportunity, okay. So someone who is intent upon doing this and is capable of doing it still needs the window of opportunity.


They're still opportunistic animals at the end of the day they need to have this chance to inflict the aid, absolutely, harm to you, so if they have the  opportunity. 


okay so someone who is intent upon doing  this and is capable of doing it still  needs the window of opportunity they're  still an opportunistic animal at the end  of the day they need to have this  chance to inflict the aid absolutely  the harm to you so we go back to the two scenarios.


We go back to the stranger confrontation. The persons in your face are screaming and shouting. They're showing that they have capability. They're showing they have intention.


In addition to that, they now have the opportunity because you're standing in front of them, yes, so you're either providing people the opportunity or you're not. This is a key sort of differentiation we have to make in protecting ourselves preemptively.


The opportunity is the one thing that you can control everything else you can't control you can't control their capability, you can't control their intention, but what you can control is their opportunity, and as you said at the beginning, if we can remove one element of this triangle, we can almost distill the threat.


If you always take away opportunity no matter how intent or how capable they are, you can almost distill the threat.


If you can ultimately survive the encounter exactly, and that goes for criminal violence as well, you think about robbery, someone could have the capability to rob, they could have the intention to rob, but if you deny them the opportunity to rob you make it difficult perhaps make yourself a hard target, then you've essentially gone around the circle you've essentially avoided the situation.


Does that make sense? 

absolutely well The whole point of your self-defense and self-protection is to actually deny all the elements that are in your control, so remove the opportunity, reduce the opportunity, and you give yourself a better chance of surviving a dangerous situation with a dangerous person.


So the takeaway is quite simple: deny people the opportunity because that's the only factor that you have in your own control.


But if you can follow these three factors and understand them intuitively, making it second nature to identify them, you'll find it far easier to manage potentially dangerous situations.
