
What is a hardware?


What is a hardware?

What is a hardware 

  1. Processor 
  2. Storage
  3. Input
  4. Output

3.      Introduction


Hey guys, Today I am going to talk about What is a hardware?, So let’s get started; Computers basically have two components: We have the hardware component, which is the pieces that you can touch: the keyboard, the hard drive, the things that you can touch; and then we also have the software component, which is things like your operating system, for example, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, or Linux you can also have applications, for example, I'm using PowerPoint right now;


I'm using Camtasia; these are different software programs that I'm able to do using the computer's hardware.


We can break hardware down into several different categories. These are general categories that they can belong to, so for example, the very first one is processing. Within the processing category, you might find things like a central processing unit (CPU video processing unit (GPU), as well as a motherboard.


The next category would be storage. This is stuff that holds information. Things in this category could be your hard drive or your random access memory, otherwise known as RAM. Your video memory flash drives CDs DVDs blu-rays those hold  content those hold information.


The third category is input devices, which get information into the computer. Things here you might find would be like keyboards, mice, gamepads, scanners, and things along those lines.


The fourth category is output. Computers would be pretty useless if we couldn't get information out of them, so the output is getting information out of our computer. For example, a video card to monitor printer audio gets information out of our computer.


Now there's some category. There's some hardware that fits into a kind of miscellaneous grouping, for example, the computer case. It holds the parts of the computer; it's technically hardware, but it's really not part of any of these four things.


Another thing might be something like a power supply. A power supply is required for all four of these items to work, but it really doesn't do a specific item as far as any of these categories go, and our big four categories once again are processing storage input and output.


Computer hardware : Processor    

Computer hardware : Processor

  1. CPU
  2. Other structure to support CPU
  3.  integrated circuits
  4. transistors
  5.  motherboard
  6.   PCB (printed circuit board)


2.     Now, before there was a keyboard, before there was a printer, even before there were monitors, there was processing. If you really get into computers, if you really geek out, you might hear about something called the Altair computer.


The Altair was arguably the very first personal computer, and the only thing the Altair had as far as input devices were these little switches that you'd flip up and down, but inside you still had the processing power of a computer.


but there was no keyboard, there were no mice, there were no printers, and there was no sound, but there always is processing, which is the heart of what a computer is and the reason why computers are computers.


Processing: is the ability of the computer to take in raw data and then basically make sense of it. One of the things I like to do is use analogies to help people understand different concepts. Depending on who you talk to, they might have a problem with the analogy of a computer being like a brain.


But you know for our purposes this is what we're going to do. If you take a look at a human being or any animal, we have something called the nervous system. You've probably heard about this in middle school and elementary school.


In high school, the nervous system is composed of your brain and nerves. Your brain is where the thinking occurs, but the brain can't work by itself.


It has to have nerves and support structures that help it out. When we're taking a look at processing from the computers point of view, we're looking at the brain and the nerves that help the brain, we're looking at the brain and the nerves that help the processing out.




so it has to have additional help from supporting structures, so the computer has both support structures and little brains that interpret data. The primary processor is known as something called the CPU or central processing unit; this is the brain of the computer.


Now in the old days you would have had one CPU, but as technology progressed, we speed up the CPU and made it more efficient and effective. Now we live in the wonderful days of multiprocessors, and we actually have more than one CPU in our devices, even in our smartphones.



Other structure


have more than one CPU working in there. There are also other structures that help the CPU do its job. How does a computer think? Just like the human brain, which either has a signal or doesn't have a signal, either neurons are firing or they're not firing in the world of computers.


In the world of a computer, information is either sent or it's not sent. you either have a 1 or a 0, either information is sent or it's not sent, so computers work via binary. Now, the CPU of the microprocessor almost also might be called the central processing unit, or CPU.


As well as the processor, which would be the cortical brain of the computer, we have two main companies that make CPUs: AMD, which stands for Advanced Micro Devices, and Intel. When you go to your big box store, let's say the electronics store, and you want to buy a computer, one of the things that's on the spec sheet and one of the things that they sell you is, Hey, it's an AMD chip or it's an Intel chip, so these are the two major manufacturers of the article.


The question is: which is better?


The answer to that one is they're both fine at the beginning of computers when they began to compile and paint twos and AMD's they would battle back and forth and you would get a head of Intel and a head of AMD and nowadays if you buy any decent computer it's going to have what you need for it to do so you have to pay as much attention to your processor for the general consumer market nowadays as far as computers go.


integrated circuits


integrated circuits

Now we have a concept called integrated circuits. Integrated circuits will connect transistors and other electronic components on chips of semiconductor materials. Let me go over that again: integrated circuits will connect transistors and other electronic components on chips of semiconductor materials.


Usually silicon, the integrated chip, is going to hold the transistors. It's your chip, and it's made of a material that can send electricity or send information, and this is usually again made of silicon.


Moore's Law


Moore's Law

Now we have a concept you have to understand called Moore's Law. Gordon Moore, who is an Intel co-founder, came up with this  is not a law of nature;


this is not a law that cannot be violated; it's held true to date. They're expecting this to become untrue eventually, but as of right now it's been standing, and it states that the number of transistors incorporated in a chip will approximately double every 24 months.


What is transistors in computer processing?


What is transistors in computer processing?

transistors are the heart the unit  of what a computer is can we talked  about a integrated circuit we talked  about a CPU is two transistors that are  actually responsible for  sending information.

if we're going from the analogy  of a human brain the human brain is made  up of neurons Individual neurons, which are nerve cells, are the things that actually send or don't send information in the computer world.


Transistors are like neurons; they either send information or receive it, so it stands to reason that the more transistors you can cram on a chip, the more processing power you're going to be able to get out of that computer.


So if you were to take a look at a computer from five years ago or ten years ago compared to today's computer, you're going to find we can cram a whole lot more into a smaller and smaller space than we could again five to ten years ago.


If you take a look at your smartphone, if you have an iPhone or a Android, just take it out and behold the marvel that is your smartphone.


but I appreciate the fact that your  smartphone has more processing power in  it than the computers that it took to  send a man to the moon it's kind of  amazing ok your smartphone has more  processing power than the supercomputers  that NASA used to send a person to the  moon.





The next item that deals with processing is the motherboard. The reason we call it the motherboard is because it is the mother of all devices that deal with the computer.


Every device on the computer that is connected to the computer goes through the motherboard connects  fall devices together it is the backbone  of the computer.


PCB (printed circuit board)


PCB (printed circuit board)

The motherboard is what we call a PCB, or printed circuit board, and if you take a look at this image, you can see that there are a lot of interesting designs on the board.


These are not artistic designs; this is not some graphic person creating this cool little image on a motherboard to just make it look cool or hang it on a wall.


These are actual wires. There are highways and highlights of ladder wires lying on top of each other next to each other on different layers.


These wires are called traces, and they allow parts of the computer to communicate all through the motherboard.


Computer Hardware: Storage 

  1. hard drive
  2. solid-state drive
  3. RAM(random access memory)


2.      This section is divided into two separate sections. We're going to take a look at something called hard drives and RAM. Now talking about hardware storage, storage is the ability of a device to retain data either temporarily or permanently.


It's not like it's going to be there forever. When we say temporary versus permanent, we're talking about the information that's there after you turn off the computer.


That's the important distinction. Storage can take the form of a hard drive, RAM, floppy drive, flash drive, CDs, DVDs, etc.


Computer storage: hard drive


Computer storage: hard drive

Taking a look first at our hard drive, this is where information is usually stored on a computer, and this is where chances are you're storing your information on the computer.


Now, cool little trivia for you, this is one of those things that you only want to share with other geeks otherwise people will steal your lunch money, but the very first personal computers, the first IBM computers that came out, did not have hard drives.


In fact, when you wanted to start the computer out, you had to put the floppy drive in and then put the other floppy drive in.


This method to not only boot the computer up with floppy drives but then boot the game up by putting it in the drive so that will load as well nowadays if you want to launch a game or turn on your computer everything's done from the computer's hard drive I mean heck again even your phone and your tablets are all stored on the computer and you don't have to boot it up from CDs or DVDs to get them to run.


The majority of hard drives are magnetic storage devices they use magnets to store data magnetically on individual discs or plotters, which are made up of aluminum or glass or encoded with a magnetic medium.


Now what you're seeing there in that image is the inside of a hard drive. You should never see what that image is showing on your own hard drive unless you want the hard drive to network any more. Hard drives are created vacuum sealed so nothing can get in there and no dust can get in there.


If you remove the cover off a hard drive, you've killed your hard drive. So don't do that. Here is some really cool trivia for you as far as hard drives go: if you take a look at the underside of a hard drive, you're going to notice another printed circuit board.


Remember we talked about printed circuit boards as the motherboard? Well, this is a printed circuit board. This is what the brains of the hard drive are. This is where the information is translated and coordinated between the hard drive and the computer and a processor and all that good stuff.



Now, here's a word of caution: almost everybody stores important information on a hard drive. There is a saying in computer repair that you can only charge so much to fix the computer because with the cost of computers, if it takes, let's say, a thousand dollars to fix a broken computer, it's almost worth buying a new one.


In most cases, it's worth buying a new computer, but data is priceless. Depending on the data, it could be even more priceless early than other data.


For example, if you have images of the birth of your children or pictures of a grandparent that's no longer with you and they're only on your computer and that hard drive dies, you can be charged a lot of money to recover that information, and even then there's no guarantee they're going to be able to get it back.


Because of this, data backup is very, very important. You must backup your data, and ideally you should have a data backup.


Behind the computer is an external hard drive that holds some information that, if I lose it, is easy to replace. My valuable information is stored online, and I use Dropbox for this, so all my pictures and all my data are safe elsewhere, so now let’s come to solid-state  drive.


solid-state drive


solid-state drive

So the next type of hard drive is a newer technology called a solid-state drive. The cool thing about a solid-state drive is that there are no moving internal components.


While an old-fashioned hard drive has spinning platters, a solid-state drive has no moving parts. It uses solid-state memory chips. Much like a flash drive, there's some good and some bad.


The good is that it's quiet. For example, if you have an iPad, a tablet, or a smartphone and you're using a solid-state drive, you can't hear anything running in there. If there was a magnetic hard drive, I'd hear that. So this is a solid-state drive.


It's resistant to shock, yay! I think any time you drop your phone, its resistance to shock makes it thinner than traditional hard drives.


Again, if you take a look at these devices, they're pretty; if we had the old-fashioned hard drives, they couldn't be this thin, and they have a longer battery life.


some laptops still have old-fashioned drives, which have moving parts and consume your battery life faster than a solid-state drive, and it causes less heat, which is kind of cool again, no friction, no moving parts now the bad part. You're  it's so great, why doesn't everybody have them?


The bad part is that it's more expensive, so for example, if you wanted to get a terabyte of hard drive space on your computer, it's going to be a lot cheaper if you use the more traditional hard drives as opposed to the solid-state drive, so the price is definitely a concern.


Computer storage: RAM(random access memory)


Computer storage: RAM(random access memory)

The next one I want to talk about is your random access memory, otherwise known as RAM. It's volatile, meaning that when you try to power off what was in there is gone. RAM is the scratchpad for the computer, for example, let's take out a notepad.


If I told you that I was going to give you five words and you had to repeat back those five words, you should be able to do that.


If I say I'm going to give you seven words, you should be able to repeat back average short-term memory for people.


But what if I gave you 20 words, 50 words, or 100 words? You'd be going, but if they gave you a notepad and let you write down those words, you could remember them. Let's say I gave you a thousand words.


This is not going to be enough space, so I give you a bigger piece of paper. This is what RAM is; it's how big is your notepad to jot down information. Your stuff that you load in your operating system applications is being run from your RAM.


In general, you want as much RAM as your computer can handle; typically, with some exceptions, more RAM means faster computing. Now that it's loaded, I just said we don't have the time to go into them much more deeply. This is just a generality.


the more  RAM the faster your computer is going to  be in general there's also catch you  from a consumer point of view there is a  difference between memory and storage.


RAM, from the consumers point of view, is memory, so when you go and buy a computer, you're going to look at how much storage space it has—a terabyte.


2 terabytes is your hard drive space; your memory is your RAM, and again, the more RAM you have, the better your experience will be.

Computer hardware: Input 

Computer hardware: Input

  1. Keyboard
  2. Mouse
  3. Joystick
  4. Barcode reader

Input is to get information into a computer or into a device, and there's a whole bunch of different input devices you can use; output is to get information out of the device, so for example, if I'm using a microphone to turn my voice, which is analog, into digital information, it's digitizing it;


those digits, zeros, and ones have been put on your computer; the computer then takes those ones and zeros and puts it into a format that our brains can understand.


So you're seeing visual input. You're seeing visual output from the computer, and you're hearing audio output from your computer, so input Take a quick look at your computer or mobile device and just think about how many different ways you can put information into that computer.


If you're sitting where I'm sitting right now, you might see a keyboard, a mouse, or a microphone. these are different input devices that I have at my disposal.


Some examples of common input devices are things like the keyboard, which would be the most common input device that we have, and the mouse.


Touchscreens, graphics, pads, trackballs,  joysticks, barcode readers, light, pens,  assistive technology This is for people with different physical impairments so that they can use the computer. Look no further than the doctor, Steven Hawkings. If you've ever seen him, I'm sure you've seen him.


Steven Hawkings uses assistive technology in order to be able to communicate and access the computer keyboard, which is probably the most common input device currently. It even predates the mouse, so before there was a mouse, there was the keyboard.


Most keyboards are known as what we call QWERTY keyboards, and if you take a look at the keyboard you're at right now, you can see why look at the keys on the QWERTY keyboard; this is the most common type of keyboard.


There are other variations of the keyboard that will put the letters in different orders, but QWERTY is the king as far as the keyboards go.


This would be an example of using assistive technology. You can access these options on your Mac as well as your Windows computer. What's kind of interesting and also kind of gross about the keyboard is that it is a tremendous magnet for junk; it's a tremendous magnet for just icky stuff.


Computer Hardware: What is a keyboard


Computer Hardware: What is a keyboard

So keyboard is a input device, that users a set off finger sized button called keys to enter or manipulate data on a computer or other devices.


Keys in Keyboard:

  1. Alphanumiric keys

  2. Control keys

  3. function keys

  4. Navigation keys

  5. Numeric keys


Computer Hardware : What is a Mouse


So Mouse is a input device that is hand held pointing device that detects two dimensional motion relative to a surface. And this motion is typically translated into the pointer on your computer display. 


Computer Hardware: What is a Joystick


Computer Hardware: What is a Joystick

A joystick is a input device in your computer that actually use to control gaming applications. And can use for graphic applications. It was invented by C.B. Mirick  at the US naval research laboratory, and patented in 1962. Generally, the use of a joystick is to manage a machine or character in a computer program.


It includes a base and a stick that can be move to the left or right directions, and also it can be rotated in different amounts to handle the movement of a character in your computer game.


Computer hardware: what is a barcode reader


Computer hardware: what is a barcode reader

So barcode reader is a input device that read information in a barcode. And Barcode is a set of light and dark bars(lines) with different width pasted on different products.


Every barcode have a specific serial number that called Universal product code or UPC. It reflects the country of origin, manufacture’s code, product’s name and check digits to verify the code.


Computer Hardware: Output 

  1. Monitor
  2. Printer
  3. Video card

  4. Audio card


So an output device is something that gets information out of the computer; this is pretty much why we have computers;


we're trying to get something out of them because they'd be pretty worthless if you put stuff in them and nothing ever came out, and so an output device is something that gets information out of the computer that we can use.


The three big ones would be a monitor; this is the most common output device that you're seeing right now.


It produces a soft copy. You have printers; printers produce hard copy, and we also have speakers, so if you're listening to the soothing sounds of voice, you're using speakers. Moving on to monitors, if you're looking at my article through something called a monitor.


Computer hardware : Monitor


Monitors are primary output devices, as I just said; they produce something called soft copy, and we have two technologies that are commonly used for monitors.


Well, let me strike that and amend that you really have one primary technology nowadays, but I'm including the other one because you still run into them.


The older technology is the CRT, or cathode ray tube; this is the old-fashioned monitor that had the big badonkadonk.


Okay, they are very wide, or they had a lot of depth to them, and so you really had a plan for where you put them on your desk. Those were the old CRTs; the newer ones are LCDs.


liquid crystal display monitors that's  pretty much if you go to computer store is what you're going to find in a computer store on the shelves, and those are LCDs.


To get the video for the monitor to be able to show you the video, we have to have something called a display or video adapter.


Computer hardware: Video card


Computer hardware: Video card

This is the part of the computer that's going to turn the digits into video output; this is the video card. This component can either be integrated, which means it's built into the motherboard, or it can be an expansion card, which is something you would buy and then open up your computer case and install into the computer.


Basically, the differences between an integrated and an expansion card come down to money and what you're going to use it for.


If you just need a computer for day-to-day, regular activities, then an integrated video card is just fine. An expansion video card is more for your gamers and your video and media developers; the gamers really need sharp, crisp, high-quality graphics when you're shooting somebody.


So you can't see the gore without a really good video card, so the better the video card, the more gore and the more detail you're going to see.


Now, Minecraft is a whole other story, but for  high-end, high-quality video games, the higher and more powerful the video card, the better off you are.


And yes, the video cards can get very, very expensive, so budget is very important there, but video cards and display adapters are the things that turn your information from the computer into visual output that will be displayed on the monitor.


Computer Hardware: Printer

Computer Hardware: Printer

  1.  inkjet printer
  2. laser printer
  3. z-line  printer
  4. matrix printer
  5. thermal printers


     The printer is an output device that's going to deliver hard copy, so a lot of printers now have scanners built-in.


myself just purchased a printer recently from Best Buy, and it has everything built in: it has a scanner and a printer, and by the way, totally FYI title if you shop it, and I'm not advertising for Best Buy, but if you shop at Best Buy, be aware that they will meet prices now; they used to have a policy where they would meet any local competitors and each regular brick-and-mortar store.


Moving on, there are several types of printers on the market; the most common would be the inkjet printer, followed by the laser printer.


Also very common, you're going to run two laser printers, most likely in a business setting. We have the old-fashioned z-line printer and the dot matrix printer; these are the ones that went, and then the little things on the side.


the little holes that  you'd peel off you have dye sublimation  printers these are very expensive and  you have thermal printers.


Computer hardware: audio device 


Computer hardware: audio device

An audio device or sound card it's going to turn sound audio information from the computer into sound that you can hear again. The audio cards can be integrated or expansion cards like video cards now most audio cards most audio devices are built into the computer.


We're really not as picky as far as audio quality goes a lot of it has to do with the speakers you have, but if you are a major gamer or let's say that you're into audio, let's say that you are doing sound editing for video and things like that, you can get a 


Sound card: would you open up the computer and install it so you can hear sound that way you can get better quality sound you'd have to get some expensive speakers and things like that, so an audio device or sound card is how you're getting sound out of the computer.


FAQ Sections:

What is a hardware?

Computers basically have two components: We have the hardware component, which is the pieces that you can touch: the keyboard, the hard drive, the things that you can touch

What is a keyboard?

So keyboard is a input device, that users a set off finger sized button called keys to enter or manipulate data on a computer or other devices.

What is a mouse?

So Mouse is a input device that is hand held pointing device that detects two dimensional motion relative to a surface. And this motion is typically translated into the pointer on your computer display.

What is a joystick?

A joystick is a input device in your computer that actually use to control gaming applications. And can use for graphic applications. It was invented by C.B. Mirick at the US naval research laboratory, and patented in 1962. Generally, the use of a joystick is to manage a machine or character in a computer program. It includes a base and a stick that can be move to the left or right directions, and also it can be rotated in different amounts to handle the movement of a character in your computer game.

What is a barcode reader?

So barcode reader is a input device that read information in a barcode. And Barcode is a set of light and dark bars(lines) with different width pasted on different products. Every barcode have a specific serial number that called Universal product code or UPC. It reflects the country of origin, manufacture’s code, product’s name and check digits to verify the code.
