Why RICH are getting RICHER
Hey guys!, How are You today, I am misbah And today will
well be talk about Why RICH are getting RICHER, So Let’s get started.
Why RICH are getting RICHER, According to the report of
World INEQUALITY Report 2022, India is
in those top countries, in which the
difference between the rich and poor, is
highest in the world.
If you tell you some data,
India's top 10% people represent
57% of total national income. Whereas
top 1% in those top 10%, are the owner
of 22% income. Whereas on the other
hand, bottom 50% people hold 13% income.
And it's not about just India. If we consider world's population, 50% population of world own just 2% of total
Whereas top 10% population of the world, they have 75% of the total wealth. And id doesn't end just here.
And the top 1% in those people, they have 38% of the total wealth. And this inequality is increasing. So, this question should come in your
Why rich are becoming richer, and poor are becoming poorer?
Why is there extreme polarity? Why 20% people have 80% or more wealth? Why a rich person earn so much money in a
day, that a poor person can't earn in
his whole life.
Robert Kiyosaki is telling all these answers in book 'Why The Rich are Getting Richer?'
Which if you understand, than it will definitely help
you! According to Robert Kiyosaki, there is only one difference in Poor, Middle
Class and Rich person. What's that
difference? The difference is of
Not just formal education,
but also financial education.
Robert Kiyosaki says, rich people are financially educated. They keep giving this education to their
children since childhood! Due to which rich people's kids become rich, most of
the time.
Now, what comes in financial education?
Well, Robert Kiyosaki focuses on three important
things, about which if you learn, then you also can become financially
What are those three things?
First is 'Taxes'.
Second is 'Debt'. And third is
'Phantom Income'. Let's understand all
three things one by one. First is
Taxes. You know, there is a boy in my
gym, who has a trainer same as my
So, my trainer was telling me, how that boy buys iPhone every year. The most expensive one, like iPhone 14
Pro, he bought that. And similarly, he buys the latest and
expensive iPhone every year.
When I came to know about it for first time, I thought he is the one who do unnecessary
purchases. But actually, it was not 100%
true. Then my trainer also told me one
more thing, who was actually smart.
You know what that person does?
That new mobile which is not a year old, he sells that iPhone before the launch of new
iPhone. Due to which he get good
Now, he got that money!
When he buys new iPhone, he has to give 18% GST, but because he is a businessman, he gets 18% GST benefit. And sometimes, he gets things in offer. Due to which, he gets that mobile almost
Similarly, if you see,
when a businessman buys something by showing it as an expense, he gets a huge benefit, which normal people can't get most of the
times. And this is what author is
telling. The thing that creates
difference between rich and poor's money is Taxes.
Even after earning more money, a rich man pays less tax than poor and middle
class people! That too legally! Recently I did a podcast with a famous
personality, who is known as 'chaiwala'.
In which he told me frankly,
that 'I am not fond of living in 5 star hotels, but my financial advisors say, 'Spend money
here, due to which you can show your
expenses here, can show office
expenses, due to which you'll get tax
benefit. Similarly, rich people do all
their expenses first, and then they pay
tax on the money left.
Whereas, middle class people usually, they pay tax on the money they earn, and then do expenses on the money left. Because of which they are not able to save much money!
So, if you want to pay minimum tax, again, one thing you can do is 'you can open
your own company'. Obviously, government
wants business to prosper, due to which
the economy will boost.
Due to which they give a lot of advantage to
businesses, the benefit which many times
the middle class people do not get!
Because they don't have businesses.
Second thing is 'Debt'.
Have you ever wondered how Dhirubhai Ambani built such a big business?
Where did he get the huge amount of money they needed to set
up the business? In 1950s, he started
the first business of spices, for which
he needed money. That's why, he saved a
lot of money and started also. But still
he needed more money.
He raised a little more money by partnering with his
wife! And gradually, company became
profitable. But then, Dhirubhai Ambani
had to face extreme competition. So, he
decided to take a gutsy move.
He decided to make his company public. After which in 1978, with the help of 50k
middle class investors, he bade 28 lakh
shares at the face value of 10 rupees.
And if we do simple maths, 28
lakh * 10 is equals to 2 crore 80
lakh... he raised this money from public.
It seems interesting in listening, but obviously, when 58k people are trusting
you and giving you money, it put a lot
of pressure. Dhirubhai Ambani took this
risk, and till his death, he increased the value of 1 crore 80 lakh
rupees to 75 crores. That's why, you can
say, Ambanis are the one of the richest family in India.
Debts are usually seen with very dirty eyes! I myself do not believe much in taking
loan, but author says, that nowadays people take loan to buy car,
house and iPhone, they swipe credit card
to buy liabilities, while rich people
take loan to make assets.
For example, Mukesh
Ambani who is the richest man in India,
despite being the richest person,
he took the loan of 12,850 crore rupees for Jio, to do business. Now, how is the relationship of debt with
rich people? Sometimes, middle class
people save in their bank, on 4%-6%
interest rate.
But what a rich businessman does?
He takes the loan on 10%-12% interest rate, he invests the same money in his
business, where he gets better return
than 10%. For example, suppose he earn 25%-30%
profit. In which he gives 10%-12% profit
to the bank.
Out of 12%, the bank returns 6% to those people. You can say, this game runs in the ban.! Now you'll say, businessman fails many
time, they make loss also! So yes, this is absolutely true.
That's why it is said, 'Risk hai to ishq hai'. Robert Kiyosaki says, there is risk in
everything. If you leave home and going
somewhere, this is also a risk..
A car may hit you.
You can fall. There is risk in
everything. But still we take risk. And rich people have this gutsy thing, that many times, they are ready to take big
risks. And you know the most interesting
thing, when business fails, what happens?
Usually, bank tries to recover its money. But if it is not able to recover, then it itself starts recovering that loan
with other people's money.
Whose money?
Normal people's money! Which a normal people give. Sometimes, government also gives this money. Government does recapitalization by giving money to banks. Where you are charged more tax, to make up for the money you paid earlier!
This is a crazy thing, isn't it?
Robert Kiyosaki says, this is true! This is the system that has been running all over the world! This is the thing, if you can use debt well, and if not debt, you can use OPM.
What does OPM means?
Other People's Money! Basically, you raise money from others. You must have seen what many smart business people do! They raise money from various investors, they do crowd-funding or go to various angel investors, go to venture capitalists and ask money from them.
They don't put their whole money! That's the smart thing sometimes, which many rich person do and the poors
don't! And third last is Phantom
Phantom income is also called Invisible income many
times. Robert Kiyosaki says, Phantom
income is like ghost, which exists but
isn't visible. Only the one who has right
financial education can see it.
Assume, there is normal middle class person, who wants to buy a land, and its price is 1 crore. Suppose, he gives 20% down payment before
buying it. And to pay it, he uses the
money which is left after paying taxes.
After tax deduction on the money you have already earned!
Contrary to this, author says, rich people never buy a house with their own
money! They take money from bank, and then purchase real estate from bank.
The tax that is saved in this transaction is called phantom
income! You must have seen that
sophisticated investors also borrow money to purchase properties. Because they eliminate the tax by
And Robert Kiyosaki says,
using something, he has built an empire of more than 8000
properties. One more thing which author
talks about, is 'How money works'.
If we talk about financial literacy, India ranks 23rd in 28 countries. According to Reserve Bank of India, only 27%
people in India are financial literate.
Means, you can say, maximum people are not financial literate.
And you see, many times people win even 5 crore rupees in
KBC, but still they get bankrupt! Many celebrities earn a lot of money in their
early career, but again after sometimes,
they get bankrupt.
Because, sometimes, it's not just about money, it's also about managing money!
For example, the owner of Chai Sutta Bar, Anubhav
Dubey, with whom I've done a
podcast, he also doesn't come from
privileged background. But still he has opened more than 400 outlets. They have generated revenue more than 150
The interesting part is that this is not rocket science. That only other person can do, not you! No, you also can do it.
You've to focus on budgeting. Have to focus on increasing income
sources, and have to invest atleast 20%
of the money!
Because remember,
'It's not now much money you make,
but how much money you keep' and
how hard that money is working for you'.
Investing and all these things are very interesting, and to do investing, having money is
There are many ways to earn money! There are many skills on which you should focus. And here also, the Pareto Principle
comes. Some skills are very important in
today's time, compared to other skills.